Laith Malek Reem is an outspoken antinatalist, animal rights activist, and an EFIList who preaches for not causing unnecessary suffering to other sentient beings in general, whether they are humans or non-humans.

Laith was born on March 26, 1992 in Amman, Jordan. He is originally Lebanese and has graduated from university on December 19, 2014 in the state of New York majoring in Business Administration. He was obsessed with geography since he was young. He practices it as a hobby and can memorize more than 90% of the capitals of the countries of the world, the flags of the countries, and their map shape.

Laith has watched the documentary “Earthlings” back in 2014 and was totally shocked about how humanity treats different species who share this world with us, so he tried to reduce his consumption of animal products immediately, but wasn’t totally convinced of switching to veganism until he watched a video lecture by Gary Yourofsky that is called “Best Speech You Will Ever Here” on YouTube in October 2016. That was the date where he decided to go fully vegan and become also active about it. Gary is the one who should be thanked for that push that he gave to Laith that made him change his entire life.

After three months only of being vegan, Laith gave his first public lecture about veganism and animal rights on January 13, 2017. More than 90 people attended the lecture, and some showed interests in converting to veganism right after the lecture. The lecture was video recorded. You can check it out on YouTube and Facebook in the links below:



The second lecture was in a conservative area in Jordan, a city called Irbid. It was not recorded, unfortunately, and only 17 people showed up for it back then. They were mainly college/university students. It was in March 2017.

Before leaving Jordan, Laith has coordinated and participated in an activism event with two other activists only at Louis Vuitton’s branch in Amman, where they got arrested for several hours with an investigation under pressure. It was a peaceful protest inside LV’s branch. It is also video recorded. Here is the link of the video below:


Laith has done some work for international animal rights organizations in Jordan and Egypt. Details cannot be mentioned here since it is confidential. He has also preached veganism in Lebanon.

Laith runs several Facebook pages. He is the creator and the only admin for some, and is the admin with others in other pages. Their links are below:

EFILism – ضدّ الحَياة: (Only admin)

Antinatalist Vegans: (Admin with others)

Be Vegan كن نباتيا: (Admin with others)

Direct Action Everywhere – Lebanon: (Admin with others)

Direct Action Everywhere – Jordan: (Only admin)

Apart from veganism and antinatalism, Laith also is a supporter of the LGBTQ community as long as they do not reproduce with the help of somebody else. He does not believe in nationalism, because he thinks that it divides people since borders and countries were created by humans in general. He is against sexism, homophobia, racism, and speciesism.

Laith defines himself as an agnostic and a misotheist at the same time; which means that even if there is a god/creator for this universe, then that means that he/she/it should be hated and everyone should revolt against him/her/it because he/she/it is a psychopath who created nervous systems for beings that did not ask for in a nature show that is based on the fact of “survival of the fittest” with unnecessary bloody wars, harm, and agony.

Laith gave his first and only speech, until now, about antinatalism in February 2019. More than 30 people attended it. You can find it in the links below:



He had the EFIListic views in his mind years before he got familiar with the term “EFILism”, and got more into EFILism after watching Amanda ‘Oldphan’ Sukenick’s documentary, “The EFIList”.

Laith started a live stream online program in July 2020. It is called “The Opposite Thought”. It is based on the idea that he hosts two people who have different views/thoughts in a certain topic that they plan to discuss, and he is the moderator. So he prepares questions for each one of them. He gives them about an hour to have a debate about it and he sticks to neutrality in the program. It is about social, intellectual, and ethical issues that should be taken into consideration in our world. The program is in both languages until now, Arabic and English. 14 episodes have been covered until now. The live broadcast is on Laith’s EFILism facebook page and it is later uploaded on his YouTube channel for people to watch.

He is also a songwriter and a singer. He has some songs for the cause of antinatalism, EFILism and animal rights. He also released a song for the great philosopher, Abul ‘Alaä Al-Ma’arri, as a tribute. Laith sings in three languages.

He has also written a book called “30 Common Excuses for Procreation” with Lawrence Anton that is about the rebuttals and responses to the excuses that people mostly give to try to justify the act of procreation. The book will be soon translated to many languages. Laith is a video editor, translator and a producer as well.

Laith currently resides in Bolivia. He speaks three languages: Arabic, English, and Spanish. He joined three events of the “Cube of Truth” by “Anonymous for the Voiceless” in Bolivia until now, and participated in a march for animal liberation, although he does not like the fact that AV took a political side since they announced in the past that they only care about animal rights. However, he believes that street activism is so important and shouldn’t be stopped, no matter what. His main goal in life is to reach as much people as possible in preaching antinatalism and veganism until his death.

Facebook profile link:

YouTube channel:


To contact Laith, please email:

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